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About Us

Gulen Academy is a respected institution that aims to foster academic excellence while promoting universal values of understanding, tolerance, and peace. With a rich history of empowering individuals through quality education, Gulen Academy has been at the forefront of providing students with an environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, moral awareness, and societal responsibility.


Our mission at Gulen Academy is to create an inclusive learning environment that cultivates critical thinking, creativity, and ethical values among students. Through holistic education, we aim to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive academically, socially, and personally. We strive to foster global citizens who can contribute positively to their communities and embrace diversity in all its forms.


At Gulen Academy, we envision a world where education serves as a gateway to understanding, empathy, and collaboration. Our vision encompasses the principles of compassion, enlightenment, and promoting peaceful coexistence. We believe that education should transcend boundaries, unite cultures, and inspire individuals to make a positive difference in society.


Gulen Academy was originally established in About Us as a humble institution committed to providing education to all. Under the visionary leadership of Fethullah Gulen, renowned philosopher, educationalist, and inspirational figure, Gulen Academy has steadily grown into a renowned educational institution of international repute. Over the years, our commitment to excellence in education has never wavered, and today we continue to inspire generations of students to aim for nothing less than the highest standards of scholastic achievement and moral integrity.

Founder - Fethullah Gulen

Fethullah Gulen, the esteemed founder of Gulen Academy, is a multifaceted individual with a profound dedication to education, interfaith dialogue, and social harmony. Through his intellectual endeavors, writings, and speeches, Gulen has emerged as a global advocate for education and peace. His philosophy emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning, compassion, and understanding as catalysts for personal and societal transformation.

Website Creation

The creation of the Gulen Academy website stems from our mission to impart knowledge and create a digital platform that allows our values, standards, and expertise to reach a wider global audience. We recognize the power of the internet in connecting people from different cultures and backgrounds, and this website serves as a hub where students, parents, and educators can access valuable information, resources, and insights relating to education, character development, and social responsibility.

Our Objectives

  • Provide accessible educational resources and information to a diverse global audience.
  • Foster a sense of community engagement, collaboration, and mutual learning.
  • Promote the values of understanding, empathy, and tolerance.
  • Showcase the achievements, initiatives, and projects of Gulen Academy.
  • Engage with students, parents, and educators through conferences, blogs, and forums.
  • Encourage intercultural dialogue and appreciation for different perspectives.

Target Audience

Our website caters to a broad range of individuals passionate about education, character development, and creating a more harmonious and enlightened world. This includes students, parents, educators, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in regional or global issues related to education and peace.

Unique Value

What sets Gulen Academy apart is our dedicated team of experienced and highly skilled editors and members who ensure that the content on our website is accurate, up-to-date, and credible. Drawing from our vast network of academic professionals, thought leaders, and practitioners, we gather and curate the most relevant and insightful information to provide our visitors with a valuable resource they can trust. We strive to inspire, inform, and engage users through thought-provoking articles, expert interviews, informative videos, and stimulating discussion forums.

Join us on this meaningful journey towards enlightenment, as together we fuel the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and peace through education.

We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.

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